Sports Massage Membership Options

We are pleased to be able to offer three membership options that have been created to fit with your budget.

Our monthly membership fee has been conveniently set to ensure that you save money per session. So you can enjoy your Sports Therapy sessions at a reduced cost.

Whether you select the 3, 5 or 8 sessions option, we can guarantee that you will receive exceptional value for every penny spent.

We look forward to having you onboard!

3x 45 minute sessions

£ 102
  • Per month
  • £34 per session
Book now

5x 45 minute sessions

£ 165
  • Per month
  • £33 per session
Book now

8x 45 minute sessions

£ 256
  • Per month
  • £32 per session
Book now

Each membership options will be renewed automatically each month

3x 45 minute sessions per month £102
£34 per session

5x 45 minute sessions per month £165
£33 per session

8x 45 minute sessions per month £256
£32 per session